They share their experience.
Will they convince you to book your first call ?
Mourad - Leadership Development 1:1

I had the great pleasure of benefiting from Isabelle's coaching support in recent weeks, and I am delighted with this experience. Her benevolent listening, her method and her contagious optimism have been essential assets in my development. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for quality coaching. Thanks to her, I was able to make great progress and I am convinced that she can, as in my case, bring many good things to whoever will be lucky enough to work with her.
Stephen - Leadership Development 1:1

I came across Isabelle through a recommendation. I had difficulties establishing trust with my team and I needed to regain confidence. Through her coaching, I realize how terrified I was of the unknown. I realized the impact that it had on me and potentially, on my team. I discovered the power of slowing down and facing my true self. It was deep and essential. As a result, I really feel that I connect on a much better level with my team, thanks to our work together. I can only recommend her.
Maëlle- Group Coaching for Female Entrepreneur

J'ai adoré les séances de coaching "chemin vers soi". C'est un module à part entière qui a accompagné avec justesse mon cheminement personnel au cours de la formation. Lors de ces ateliers, Izzy nous partage des concepts théoriques ainsi que des bases pour la réflexion personnelle de manière ludique et participative, tout en apportant un cadre bienveillant et sécurisant. Izzy est passionnée, elle prête une grande attention à chacune d'entre nous et nous transmet ces ateliers avec beaucoup de douceur et de légèreté. Je me sens très chanceuse d'avoir pu bénéficier de ces temps de coaching pour mon développement personnel et professionnel.
Maryam - Leadership Workshop

My team was so lucky to have a workshop with Izzy.
I've never had so much fun during a workshop ! We started by defining together what leadership meant for us. It was so interesting to understand the different interpretations we all had. The team connected on a different way. Realizing that we can all be leaders in a different role, reinforced our collaboration. I had never seen my role like this before and it really empowered me.
Izzy is very perceptive, she reframes what is said with such insightful words. Thank you ! Can't wait for our next one !
Océane - Group Coaching for Female Entrepreneur

J'ai débuté en avril 2021 le coaching de groupe avec Isabelle. Elle nous accompagne, mes collègues futures doulas et moi, et nous invite à découvrir et à déconstruire ce qui se passe dans notre tête, parfois aussi dans notre corps ! Grâce à cet accompagnement, nous faisons émerger nos croyances limitantes mais aussi nos forces cachées. Nous (ré)apprenons à nous écouter, allons vraiment à la rencontre de nous-mêmes, de notre personnalité, de notre enfant intérieur, sur un chemin qui nous permet d'aspirer à plus d'épanouissement personnel et professionnel. Avec Isabelle, tout est juste, tout est au bon endroit et au bon moment ; j'ai intégré cette notion dans ma vie, et ça peut parfois tout changer ! La beauté de l'accompagnement en groupe, c'est qu'en plus de me découvrir moi-même, j'ai la chance d'être la spectatrice privilégiée des changements qui s'opèrent chez mes merveilleuses collègues. C'est un voyage d'une grande richesse ! Merci Isabelle d'avoir croisé mon chemin
Sandy - Creative Workshop

I had the incredible opportunity to attend a leadership development workshop on communication, and I must say, it was an absolutely fantastic experience with an extraordinary coach, Izzy. When I first heard the word "improvisation," I admit I was a bit terrified, associating it with comedic performances. However, Izzy quickly dispelled any misconceptions and showed us that improvisation in this context was all about active listening, purposeful communication, and collaborative creation.
Her approach was refreshing and engaging right from the start. She created a safe and supportive environment where we felt comfortable stepping out of our comfort zones. Throughout the workshop, she skillfully guided us through various improvisational exercises that challenged our communication skills while encouraging us to think outside the box. The energy in the room was contagious, and Izzy's liveliness and enthusiasm made the entire experience incredibly enjoyable.
One of the most impressive aspects was the speed at which we could witness tangible changes in our communication dynamics within the team. Even during the workshop, we could see ourselves adapting and responding differently to one another, fostering a more cohesive and effective way of working together. It was remarkable how Izzy's carefully crafted exercises had such a profound impact on our team's dynamics in such a short span.
Her expertise in the field was evident throughout the entire workshop. She seemed to have an uncanny ability to understand the unique challenges faced by each individual in the group and tailored her guidance accordingly. Her clairvoyance in addressing our specific needs was truly commendable, and it made the learning experience all the more valuable.
Not only did Izzy bring a sense of fun and playfulness to the workshop, but she also brought deep insights and knowledge that were both practical and applicable in real-world scenarios. I am genuinely grateful that we had the opportunity to work with her, and I wholeheartedly recommend her as a coach for any leadership development or communication-related endeavors. If you're looking for someone who can create a dynamic and transformative learning experience, Izzy is undoubtedly the one to hire.
Léa- Group Coaching for Female Entrepreneur

Remobilization, self-discovery and opening the field of possibilities, this is what the group coaching with Isabelle brought to me. The latter knows how to put you in confidence and each session will leave you sometimes dreamy, sometimes puzzled but always transformed. To start this work, I think it is necessary to be ready, to listen to yourself and to be available.
The only way to see if that would work for you? Try it !
Léna- Group Coaching for Female Entrepreneur

Les sessions avec Isabelle permettent de travailler beaucoup sur nous-même, sur notre posture, sur la façon dont on gère au quotidien nos émotions, nos doutes, nos à priori ou simplement d'appréhender les difficultés que l'on peut rencontrer.
Et vivre de cette activité implique souvent de se réaliser soi-même en temps qu'entrepreneuse.
Et là, bienvenue "le syndrôme de l'imposteur", faites entrer "les saboteurs" ! Autant de termes décryptés et étudiés avec Isabelle et qui nous permettent d'avancer en se connaissant davantage et en se faisant confiance.
Et puis il faut le dire, Isabelle est une coach pétillante, fun... et tellement juste !
Dans mon quotidien, je repense très souvent à des choses que nous avons vues ensemble et il y a des déclics qui se font à postériori des séances. J'en profite pour la remercier ici de tout ce qu'elle peut nous apporter, pour son énergie et pour son authenticité. Elle fait partie des rencontres qui m'auront vraiment marquée durant cette formation